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Journal of Applied Mechanics and Technical Physics

2020 year, number 3

Nonlinear Effects during the Propagation of Perturbations in a Strong Supersonic Interaction

I. I. Lipatov1, V. K. Fam2
1Central Aerohydrodynamic Institute, Zhukovskiy, 140180 Russia
2Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, Dolgoprudny, 141700 Russia
Keywords: пограничный слой, распространение возмущений, теория сильного вязко-невязкого взаимодействия, нелинейное взаимодействие, boundary layer, perturbation propagation, theory of strong viscous-inviscid interaction, nonlinear interaction


Nonlinear interaction and energy loss by harmonics of perturbations propagating upstream are investigated. Formation of new harmonics due to nonlinear interaction of harmonics is shown.