Flotation Activity of Xanthogenates
I. A. Konovalov, S. A. Kondrat'ev
Chinakal Institute of Mining, Siberian Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences, Novosibirsk, 630091 Russia
Keywords: Флотация, ксантогенат металла, коллоиды, поверхностная активность, собирательная активность, Flotation, metal xanthogenate, colloids, surface activity, collecting activity
The authors prove connection between the surface activity relative to gas-liquid interface and collecting ability in flotation for derivatives of xanthogenates (xanthogenates of heavy metals). It is shown that at nonstoichiometric ration of xanthogenate and metallic salt concentrations, colloid particles are formed in solution. The influence of deviation from the nonstoichiometric ratio of xanthogenate and metallic salt concentration on the spreading velocity of the colloid system over water surface and on the collecting activity of the system is studied. It is found that the spreading velocity of derivatives of xanthigenates over water surface and their collecting activity depends on the duration of aging of the colloid system.