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Atmospheric and Oceanic Optics

2020 year, number 3

Changes in the aromaticity and chemical properties of pentalene and its derivatives formed by burning of organic fuel under the UV radiation and ionization

Yu.A. Dyakov1,2, S.O. Adamson1, G.V. Golubkov1,3, S.S. Nabiev3, O.S. Andrienko4, A.A. Asratyan5, S.M. Kazaryan5, D.P. Gubanova6,7, M.A. Kazaryan8, M.G. Golubkov1
a:2:{s:4:"TEXT";s:978:"1N.N. Semenov Institute of Chemical Physics, RAS, ul. Kosygina, 4, 119991, Moscow, Russia
2Genomic Reseach Center, Academia Sinica, 11529, Таipei, Academia Road, Sect. 2, Taiwan
3National Research Center «Kurchatov Institute», Akademika Kurchatova pl., building 113, Moscow, 123098, Russia
4V.E. Zuev Institute of Atmospheric Optics of Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Science, 1, Academician Zuev square, Tomsk, 634055, Russia
5N.F. Gamaleya Federal Research Center for Epidemiology & Microbiology, Gamaleya street, 18, 123098, Moscow, Russia
6A.M. Obukhov Institute of Atmospheric Physics Russian Academy of Sciences, Pyzhevsky per., 3, 119017, Moscow, Russia
7Karpov Institute of Physics & Chemistry, per. Obuha, 3, Moscow, 105064, Russia
8P.N. Lebedev Physical Institute of the Russian Academy of Science, 53 Leninskij Prospekt, 119991, Moscow, Russia";s:4:"TYPE";s:4:"html";}
Keywords: пентален, бензоциклобутадиен, фенилацетилен, ароматичность, константы скоростей химических реакций, расчеты РРКМ, pentalene, benzocyclobutadiene, phenylacetylene, aromaticity, reaction rate constants, RRKM calculations


The chemical properties of pentalene and its isomers, as well as their cations, are considered. Pentalene is a chemically active compound that plays an important role in the formation and destruction of polyaromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), which are the main components of soot microparticles. They arise during the combustion of fossil fuels and are considered as the most dangerous for human health anthropogenic aerosol atmospheric pollutants. The phenomenon of shift of aromatic/anti-aromatic properties of pentalene and its derivatives upon ionization (changes in the number of p-electrons) is also discussed.