Numerical simulations of the monomorph deformable mirror in ANSYS software
D.A. Yagnyatinskiy, V.N. Fedoseyev
a:2:{s:4:"TYPE";s:4:"HTML";s:4:"TEXT";s:127:"Scientific Research Institute of Scientific and Production Association «Luch», 142103, Podolsk, 24, Zheleznodorozhnaja str";}
Keywords: мономорфное деформируемое зеркало, численное моделирование, программный комплекс ANSYS, аберрации, функции влияния, термодеформации, собственные частоты, monomorph deformable mirror, numerical simulations, ANSYS software, aberrations, influence functions, thermal deformations, natural frequencies
Based on the numerical simulations in ANSYS software the design of the monomorph (unimorph) deformable mirror has been developed. The control electrodes pattern, which allows reproducing aberrations up to 5th order (the first 21 Zernike modes) on the light aperture with high fidelity, was chosen. All important characteristics of the monomorph mirror were calculated: electrodes influence functions, reproduction errors of the given aberrations, gravitational sag of the mirror, mirror surface deformation due to ambient temperature changing, thermal deformations and thermal field due to the incident laser beam, and natural frequencies of the mirror. The results show a possibility of the effective use of this mirror as an element of adaptive optics systems.