Experimental Study of Deformation of Spheroplastic under Shock Compression
V. S. Ziborov, G. I. Kanel', T. A. Rostilov
Joint Institute for High Temperatures, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, 125412 Russia
Keywords: сферопластик, микросферы, волна ударного сжатия, предвестник, средняя массовая скорость, ударная адиабата, VISAR, spheroplastic, microspheres, shock compression wave, precursor, average mass velocity, shock adiabat
This paper describes an experimental study of the shock compression of samples simulating media with a given porosity using epoxy-based spheroplastics with filler made of glass microspheres with volume concentrations of 0.27 and 0.55. Shock adiabats in a pressure compression range of 0.1-1.2 GPa are obtained. The shock compression pressure at which the fracture of the used microspheres begins is estimated. The dependence between the nature of deformation and the concentration of microspheres in the sample is established.