Elena Anatolyevna MOVCHAN1, Nikita Lvovich TOV1, Oksana Vitalyevna DUNICHEVA2, Elena Valeryevna GALKINA3, Alexander Yuryevich BYKOV3
1State Novosibirsk Regional Clinical Hospital, Novosibirsk State Medical University of Minzdrav of Russia eamovchan@gmail.com 2Novosibirsk Region Clinical Cardiological Dispensary oxalun@mail.ru 3State Novosibirsk Regional Clinical Hospital galkina@oblmed.nsk.ru
Keywords: нефрологическая служба, нефрологический центр, многопрофильная больница, хроническая болезнь почек, регистр больных хронической почечной недостаточностью, заместительная почечная терапия, гемодиализ, перитонеальный диализ, трансплантация почек
The purpose of the study
was to present the stages of effective nephrological service forming and
to evaluate the output results of the Regional Nephrological Center
(RNC) as the unit of multidisciplinary hospital. Results and discussion.
The nephrology service of State Novosibirsk Regional Clinical Hospital
began to form in 1978 with the opening of nephrology hemodialysis and
kidney transplantation departments. The RNC was established in 1993 on
the base of a territorial register for patients with chronic renal
failure. Currently, the RNC includes the department of nephrology, the
register for patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD) of 3-5 stages,
nephrological counseling office, offices for potential recipients of
renal transplantation and for patients with transplanted kidney, the
office of permanent outpatient peritoneal dialysis. As a result, the
prevalence and structure of CKD 3-5 stages in the Novosibirsk region are
comparable to those in Europe, the availability of the renal
replacement therapy, including the number of patients with a functioning
renal transplant exceeds the nationwide indicators. Conclusion. The
model of the nephrological service of a multidisciplinary hospital
provides accounting and dispensation of patients with CKD, increases the
effectiveness of treatment, including methods of renal replacement