Horizontal and vertical distribution of phytoplankton in alpine Lake Sevan (Armenia) during the summer water blooms of Cyanoprokaryota
E. G. Sakharova1, A. V. Krylov1, R. Z. Sabitova1, A. I. Tsvetkov1, L. R. Gambaryan2, A. S. Mamyan2, B. K. Gabrielyan2, A. O. Hayrapetyan2, T. G. Khachikyan2
1Papanin Institute for Biology of Inland Waters of RAS, Borok, Russia 2Institute of Hydroecology and Ichthyology of Scientific Centre of Zoology and Hydroecology NAS RA, Yerevan, Armenia
Keywords: фитопланктон, цианопрокариоты, оз. Севан, вертикальное и горизонтальное распределение, phytoplankton, сyanoprokaryota, Lake Sevan, vertical and horizontal distribution
The study of the horizontal and vertical distribution of phytoplankton of Lake Sevan was conducted in mid-July 2018, during its maximum blooms of Cyanoprokaryota. The summer biomass of algae in the pelagic zone of the lake were compatible with values of mesotrophic waters. Cyanoprokaryota biomass in Lake Sevan had horizontal and vertical heterogeneity and was related to the depth, morphometry of the lake parts, distribution of currents, transparency, temperature and biomass of Cladocera. In areas where there was water blooms, there was a decrease in the specific number of phytoplankton species and water transparency. The following factors contributed to the increase the average phytoplankton biomass compared to 2013-2017: 1) increased water temperature, 2) weakening of zooplankton press due to the disappearance of Daphnia magna, 3) increased phosphorus load due to increased contribution of D. longispina and Diaphanosoma lacustris in the zooplankton biomass .