Biodiversity and structure of undisturbed mountain Siberian Pine taiga of Idarskoe Belogorye ridge (East Sayan)
M. E. Konovalova1, D. M. Danilina1, N. V. Stepanov2, V. B. Timoshkin1, D. S. Sobachkin1
1V. N. Sukachev Institute of Forest of SB RAS, Krasnoyarsk, Russia 2Siberian Federal University, Krasnoyarsk, Russia
Keywords: Pinus sibirica (Du Tour.), горные кедровые леса, состав и структура, эколого-ценотические группы видов (ЭЦГ), флора, фауна, Восточный Саян, mountain Siberian Pine taiga, composition and structure, ecological-coenotic groups of species (ECG), flora, fauna, East Sayan
The structure of flora and fauna, which is a standard of the state and dynamics of the taiga forests in humid climatic facies of the Altai-Sayan mountain region is analyzed on the example of the undisturbed mountain Siberian Pine taiga (Eastern Sayan mountains). Ecological-phytocenotic features, floristic and faunistic composition of late succession stage were studied. The dominance of the green moss group of forest types is revealed across the topographic profiles. The forest stands have a different-age structure with Pinus sibirica (Du Tour.) dominance, low productivity (IV-V quality classes prevail), high class of normality (from 0.5 to 1.0) and sufficient regeneration. The floristic, ecological-coenotic analysis of the herb-dwarf-shrub layer, the elements of undergrowth and the moss cover indicates dominance of the humid taiga flora. The species of the taiga ecological-coenotic group (ECG) ( Vaccinium myrtillus , Carex iljinii , Calamagrostis obtusata , Gymnocarpium dryopteris , Phegopteris connectilis , Oxalis acetosella , Aegopodium alpestre , Trientalis europaea , Linnaea borealis , Maianthemum bifolium , Stellaria bungeana et al.), moss-bog ECG ( Ledum palustre , Vaccinium uliginosum , Carex globularis et al.) and bor-taiga ECG ( Vaccinium vitis-idaea , Pyrola rotundifolia , Lycopodium annotinum et al.) form the herb-dwarf-shrub layer in the prevailing forest types. Green mosses ( Hylocomium splendens , Pleurozium schreberi with a mixture of Ptilium crista-castrensis and Rhytidiadelphus triquetrus ) dominate in the moss layer.Polytrichum commune , P. strictum , Dicranum scoparium , D. polysetum and Sphagnum sp. mosses are found in some sites. The increased role of higher spore plants characterized the flora as well-preserved archaic features flora. The Siberian Pine forests coenoflora consists of 224 species and belongs to the Cyperaceae -type. In the structure of the geographical elements of the flora, the leading role belongs to the Palaearctic, European and Siberian elements with an increased role of endemics. The species of typical for the Siberia taiga complex consist the core of the fauna. The most diverse avifauna is represented by 102 species ( Tarsiger cyanurus , Parus montanus , Parus ater , Luscinia calliope , Sitta europaea , Loxia curvirostra , Coccothraustes coccothraustes , Tetrastes bonasia , Phylloscopus proregulus et al.).