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Contemporary Problems of Ecology

2020 year, number 1

Ecological and floristic features of pioner grass vegetation on automorphic sandy soils as the recovery phase of pine forests in Southern Nechernozemye of Russia

V. E. Kupreev1, Yu. A. Semenishchenkov1, V. V. Teleganova2, E. E. Muchnik3
a:2:{s:4:"TYPE";s:4:"HTML";s:4:"TEXT";s:220:"1Bryansk State University named after Academician I. G. Petrovsky, Bryansk, Russia
2National park «Ugra», Kaluga, Russia
3Institute of Forest Science of RAS, Uspenskoye, Russia";}
Keywords: псаммофитная растительность, флористическая классификация, восстановление сосны, Южное Нечерноземье России, psammophyte vegetation, floristic classification, restoration of pine, Southern Nechernozemye of Russia


The article described a variety of psammophyte grass vegetation, in which communities occurs or potentially can recover Pinus sylvestris in Southern Nechernozemye of Russia and identified trends of forming of composition and structure of communities under the influence of leading environmental and coenotical factors. Research realized on the territory of Bryansk, Kaluga and Smolensk regions in 2010-2018; were collected more than 150 relevés of psammophyte grass vegetation. The vegetation belongs to the class of Koelerio-Corynephoretea Klika 1931, which combines dry grasslands on sandy soils and on rocky outcrops of the temperate to boreal zones of Europe, the North Atlantic islands and Greenland. Differences in environmental regimes of habitats of psammophyte communities identified. In most cases, the ecological amplitude of syntaxonomical units in three leading edaphic factors (moisture, reaction, and a soil richness in mineral nitrogen) vary significantly and form a fairly compact environmental space: within syntaxa values of factors vary normally in narrow limits. By method of regression analysis found that species richness of communities shows dependence on significant statistical level only from the richness in mineral nitrogen and soil moisture. Based on the results of the statistical analysis, the number of plants of Pinus sylvestris at any age does not depend on the species richness of the communities, general cover of grasses, separately calculated the cover of mosses and lichens, as well as from environmental factors by H. Ellenberg. The only factor on which the dependence of the number of pine trees at venues, is the distance from the source of the diasporas, which determines the possibility of invasion. The data of phytocoenotic and floristic diversity of psammophyte grass vegetation will be incorporated into a single database for the Southern Nechernozemye of Russia, with the aim of identifying of environmental and botanico-geographical features of this type of plant communities in the region.