Influence of cryogenesis on soil biota (by the example of the south of the vitim plateau)
G. D. Chimitdorzhieva1, Yu. B. Tsybenov1, E. O. Chimitdorzhieva1, E. Yu. Milkheev1, T. N. Chimitdorzhiev2
1Institute of General and Experimental Biology of SB RAS, Ulan-Ude, Russia 2Institute of Physical Materials of SB RAS, Ulan-Ude, Russia
Keywords: бугры пучения, термокарстовые понижения, черноземы квазиглеевые, глобальное потепление, реакция почвенного покрова, отклик биоты, юг Витимского плоскогорья, heaving hillocks, thermokarst depressions, quasigleic chernozems, global warming, soil cover reaction, biota response, south of the Vitim plateau
The peculiarity of the paleogeographic situation in the south of the Vitim plateau of the Transbaikalia led to the formation of landscapes with numerous heaving mounds and thermokarst depressions. The cryolithozone responded to the climate warming by reducing the area, increasing the temperature and depth of seasonal thawing of permafrost. The differentiation of the soil profile in the helix mounds and thermokarst depressions, which led to changes in the morphological, physicochemical properties, which in turn caused the response of the biota, was revealed.