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"Philosophy of Education"

2019 year, number 4


L. A. Elizova
Siberian Federal University, Krasnoyarsk, Russia
Keywords: образование, воспитание, формально-государственный подход, социально-патриотический подход, education, upbringing, formal-state approach, social-Patriotic approach


Introduction. One of the important characteristics of the domestic education system is close connection and conditionality of educational and upbringing tasks. This aspect, according to the author, is of particular importance in the Military engineering Institute, where the cadets are trained who, by definition, are the defenders of the Fatherland. Investigating the problems faced by teachers of humanitarian disciplines in the cadet environment, we aim to analyze the practice of teaching social and humanitarian disciplines, indicating that the effectiveness of the assimilation of material by students of technical universities is closely related to the process of upbringing. Methodology and methods of the research. The study is based on a dialectical method that allows identifying the relevant internal and external contradictions, as well as the specifics of the studied processes. On one hand, we discuss the formal-state approach to the problems of education and upbringing, and on the other, the social-Patriotic approach, which includes various methods. The results of the research. The author emphasizes that the result of upbringing cadets is a formed person, a patriot of his homeland. Attention is drawn to the leading methodological approaches that contribute to the understanding of the essence and goals of the process of education and upbringing of cadets. Attention is focused on the specifics of the entry of Russian humanitarian education into the modern world discourse, the author points out that a fundamental role in optimizing this process is played by the use of the achievements of Russian pedagogical thought and domestic educational traditions. Conclusion. In the process of forming a global educational space, it is necessary to preserve domestic education as a self-sufficient system. The effectiveness of such processes is directly related to the level of teaching humanities in the military engineering environment.