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"Philosophy of Education"

2019 year, number 4


N. V. Tarasova1, K. V. Tarasova2
1Federal Institute for education development of the Russian presidential Academy of national economy and public administration, Moscow, Russia
2National Research University В«Higher School of Economics», Moscow, Russia
Keywords: компетенции XXI в, метапредметные образовательные результаты, оценка, реформа школы, competencies of the XXI century, metasubject educational results, assessment, school reform


Introduction. The study is based on a comparative analysis of educational policy in terms of reforming the education system in five countries, including PRC, Japan, Singapore, Taiwan, South Korea. All five societies are among the most advanced economies and are therefore among the first to meet the challenges of the twenty-first century. Without exception, all systems have undergone significant, substantial and comprehensive educational reforms, which are still ongoing. These countries were chosen for their approach to school reform - they begin with an understanding of the changes in society, look to the future and develop aspirations for the future. The paper discusses the features of the last decade of reforms in the field of education in each of the countries, as well as the competencies that a student must have who has received secondary education in order to successfully live and work in the XXI century, the new digital era. Thus, education reforms in selected East Asian countries are of special interest for the Russian researchers. The aim is to present the experience of East Asian countries in the creation and implementation of the competence model of the XXI century for students of the basic General education. Methodology and methods of the research. The work is based on the comparative and system approach which make possible the analysis of the research subject as a whole evolving structure that is built in to other system-structural formations; theoretical methods: analysis and synthesis of literature on the research problem, comparison, generalization, comparison and systematization of the received data. The results of the research. On the basis of the analysis of modern scientific researches, framework, legislative documents and educational programs, the basic formed competences and skills at pupils in the course of training in the countries of East Asia are described. Conclusion. The study allowed us to draw conclusions about the model of competencies of the XXI century for students of basic General education in East Asia. At the same time, in each of the countries, the implementation of the model required reforms and significant changes in the field of education both at the institutional level and at the school level. The study is of great theoretical importance, especially for managers in the field of education, as well as researchers and educators. Analysis of the experience of foreign countries allows choosing the most effective approaches to school reforms in East Asia and implementing them considering the Russian reality.