I. V. Yakovleva1, G. N. Glios2
1Novosibirsk State Pedagogical University, Novosibirsk, Russia 2Altai State Medical University, Barnaul, Russia
Keywords: инновационные подходы, традиционные подходы, соотношение, взаимосвязь, философия образования, аксиология образования, innovative approaches, traditional approaches, proportion, interconnection, philosophy of education, axiology of education
Introduction. The paper considers the relationship and proportion of the value-oriented aspects of innovative and traditional approaches for the development of the modern paradigm of Russian education in order to identify the initial definitions and explore new forms, ways and conditions of organization and self-regulation of educational activities. Methodology and methods of the research. The analysis of educational technologies (traditional and innovative) is based on the educational axiological methodology, the revealing of the conceptual framework of traditional and innovative educational approaches, as well as the philosophical and axiological interpretation of the concepts of «proportion» and «interconnection». The considered conceptual framework may be of interest both in terms of a scientific and philosophical analysis of the sociocultural situation in Russia, and in terms of organizing the education system in unfavorable modernization conditions. The results of the research. It is shown that the integration of innovative and traditional approaches in education is possible with the establishment of optimal proportions and interconnections between these processes due to the globalization of education, the commercialization of the educational system, the emergence of new functions and forms of socio-scientific and educational activities. Variants and directions are highlighted of the proportion and interconnection of traditions and innovations, which in Russian education so far with a high degree of probability have an adaptive or attenuating character between the goal-setting, requirements and activities of the educational system reformers. Conclusion. The combination of innovative and traditional approaches, in our opinion, is a successful solution to educational problems, provided we do not consider them as mutually exclusive categories. The main task is axiological determination of the most significant features of the development of this educational system or individual institution. One of the key innovative problems is the development of integration options due to a global, state or local-social order for education.