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"Philosophy of Education"

2019 year, number 4


O. I. Barkova1, V. A. Vlasov2,3, A. A. Tamarovskaya4
1Law firm В«Crisis Management» Group, Krasnoyarsk, Russia
2Krasnoyarsk State Agrarian University, Krasnoyarsk, Russia
3Siberian Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, Krasnoyarsk, Russia
4Krastsvetmet OJSC, Krasnoyarsk, Russia
Keywords: воспитание, визуальная культура, визуальная метафора, симулякр, медиасубъект, медиа-объект, PR, брендинг территорий, education, visual culture, visual metaphor, simulacrum, media subject, media object, territory branding


Introduction. One of the most pressing problems in the process of carrying out sociocultural activities in modern civil society is the creation and promotion of the cultural image of individual constituent entities of the Russian Federation or municipalities, referred to in the scientific doctrine as «territorial branding». The formation of an aesthetic taste in this area is connected with the problem of attitude to video content - the source of symbolic resources of modern society. The unlimited possibilities of the language of video images to influence the subconscious mind are actively used in territorial branding. Setting the goal of actively engaging a person in the world of photography, creating a positive space for his/her territory, mastering practical skills and cultural and leisure activities, requires the philosophy of education to educate, discuss and clarify the forms and methods of instilling visual culture based on images, symbols and receptions based on traditional values of domestic culture. Accordingly, the presence in modern realities of the corresponding territory of its own brand will be not only one of the main conditions for quality development, but also the realization of its existing cultural potential. Methodology and methods of the research. Strategies of propaganda and «soft power» technologies are examined in terms of their ability to exert a consolidating effect on public consciousness and the setting of value priorities. Based on the methodological principles of the theory of visualization of Aristotle, Leibniz, Husserl, P. A. Florensky, as well as the French philosophers of postmodernists J. Derrida, J. Baudrillard, J.-F. Lyotar, M. Foucault and others. Elements of visual culture are studied (metaphor, propaganda, simulacrum, visual images, functions and goals of the manipulator, etc.). The results of the research showed that since, with the help of technological machines, visual images, it is possible to quickly and efficiently give the desired image to individuals, communities and territories, the visual environment acquires the ability to both integrate and disintegrate society. Any society can be divided into its active and passive parts. A person, creating and «consuming» video images, can act actively, creatively - as a media subject (subject of information policy); or passively, consumer - as a media object (an object of information policy). In this regard, the territorial local community can rightfully be considered as a collective media object. Hence, one of the most important tasks for education is to determine the type of media audience as an object of education (impact). If the audience is passive, then there is a need to analyze the causes of passivity, since the predominantly passive audience is not able to recognize the manipulation of their consciousness and absorbs the content prepared by the communicator without thinking about its metaphorical meanings. Conclusion. The study showed that by cultivating certain tastes in the field of the visual sphere, it is possible to both strengthen and destroy the bonds between people. Visual images, including the symbolic resources of society, should be used for positive branding of the territory, consolidating the mass consciousness around images containing significant symbols. It is in this area in the future that the protection of the right to the dignity of the individual, society and its territory should be extended.