A. A. Izgarskaya1,2, M. V. Izgarskaya2
1Novosibirsk Military Institute of National Guard Troops of Russian Federation, Novosibirsk, Russia 2Novosibirsk State Pedagogical University, Novosibirsk, Russia
Keywords: миросистема, система образования, отечественная педагогика, творчество, неравенство, периферизация, "геокультура" (И. Валлерстайн), сравнительное образование, world-system, education system, domestic pedagogy, creativity, inequality, peripheralization, "geoculture" (I. Wallerstein), comparative education
Introduction. The paper is devoted to the problem of the human capital development in Russia and the modern world-system. The success of society in many respects depends on the opportunities for development and self-realization available for its members. However, the modern world-system is hierarchical, therefore, inequality of opportunity is one of the characteristics of social relations both within societies and in the system as a whole. Existing education systems reflect this inequality. The authors draw attention to the contradictions in the development of the domestic education system in the post-Soviet period; they pose the question about the objective reasons for the changes observed in it in the implementation of human capital development tasks. Methodology and methods of the research. The theoretical developments of the world-system approach (I. Wallerstein) were used as a research methodology. The authors point out the advantages of this approach in comparison with the modernization theory and the basic general postulates of globalization theories. The authors claim that the results of studies in the field of comparative education obtained on the basis of the world-system approach are consistent with the results and can be supplemented by the data of the world culture theory (J. W. Meyer) and decolonization theory (W. D. Mignolo, J. Kerr, Sousa Santos B. de, K. Bennett). The results of the research. In 1980 on the basis of the world-system approach a direction was formed that studies problems in the field of comparative education (R. F. Arnove, T. G. Griffiths, M. Demeter). The authors of the paper systematize the main theses of this direction, relying on the ideas of I. Wallerstein about the presence of inequality of subjects in the world-system, the escalation of class conflict and the crisis of the modern world order. Using the obtained results, the authors describe the situation in Russian education. The paper argues that, after the collapse of the USSR, an education system in Russia is being formed that reflects and reinforces inequality both within society and in regard to the position of Russian society in the periphery of the world-system. Conclusion. The peripheralization of the Russian economy determines the gradual peripheralization of Russian education. Borrowing Western models of education without proper financing and abandoning domestic pedagogical traditions does not lead to development of the Russian education system, but to a transformation that limits the development of human capital to the level of peripheral capabilities, namely - a «qualified consumer», but not a «human-creator».