E. V. Kudryashova, S. E. Sorokin
Northern (Arctic) Federal University named after M. V. Lomonosov, Arkhangelsk, Russia
Keywords: университет, предпринимательский университет, третья миссия, образование, "тройная спираль", university, entrepreneurial university, third mission, education, "triple helix"
Introduction. The model of «entrepreneurial University» as a direction of transformation of educational institutions of higher education in the Russian Federation at the present stage is considered. Methodology and methods of the research. Theoretical approaches to understanding the essence and main characteristics of «entrepreneurial universities» offered by foreign and Russian scientists are analyzed. The focus of the study is on the problems of adaptation of foreign experience to the conditions of the Russian education system. The problem is considered through the prism of the theory of the «third mission» of universities related to the active role of universities in society. The results of the research. An overview of the main theoretical approaches to the essence of entrepreneurial universities, the features of their functioning is given. The foreign and Russian experience of creation of universities of entrepreneurial type, the received effects and the achieved results are considered. Conclusion. Conclusions are drawn about the factors that determine the choice of the University model of «entrepreneurial University» as a reference point of transformation. These include the presence of innovative and economic potential in the region of its location, the interest of authorities, business and production in cooperation with the University, the willingness of the staff and management of the University to new approaches to activities, based on the principles of the entrepreneurial University. The challenges to the development of «entrepreneurial universities» in our country are highlighted: the lack of experience of such activities in groups and administration of universities, the mutual unwillingness to cooperation of universities and business framework of the existing system of management and financing of universities. Ways to overcome these limitations are suggested.