Thermodynamic Estimate of the Optimal Ratio of the Fuel and Solid Propellant in the Gas Generator of a High-Velocity Flying Vehicle
E. A. Salganskii1, Kh. R. Makhmudov2, A. V. Baikov1, L. S. Yanovskii1,2
1Institute of Problems of Chemical Physics, Russian Academy of Sciences, Chernogolovka, 142432 Russia 2Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, 119991 Russia
Keywords: газификация, твердое горючее, высокоскоростной летательный аппарат, gasification, solid propellant, high-velocity flying vehicle
A method for calculating the optimal ratio of the fuel and solid propellant in the gas generator of a high-velocity flying vehicle is proposed. A thermodynamic approach is used to describe the processes in the gas generator. The ratio of the solid propellant and fuel in the gas generator is determined by their physical and chemical properties. An increase in the density and heat of combustion of the solid propellant and in the fuel porosity leads to reduction of the volume fraction of the solid propellant in the gas generator. An increase in the density, specific heat capacity, specific heat of sublimation, and temperature of sublimation of the fuel leads to an increase in the volume fraction of the solid propellant in the gas generator.