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Combustion, Explosion and Shock Waves

2019 year, number 5

Video Recording of an Air Shock Wave from Initiation of a Light-Sensitive Explosive Composition

S. I. Gerasimov1,2,3,4, N. A. Trepalov1
1Research Institute of Experimental Physics, Sarov, 607190 Russia
2Sarov Institute of Physics and Technology, Sarov, 607186 Russia
3Alekseev Nizhny Novgorod State Technical University, Nizhny Novgorod, 603950 Russia
4Institute of Mechanical Engineering Problems of RAS, Nizhny Novgorod, 603024 Russia
Keywords: высокоскоростная видеорегистрация, теневой фоновый метод, светочувствительный состав, воздушная ударная волна, электровоспламенитель, рентгеновская регистрация, high-speed video recording, background-oriented schlieren method, light-sensitive composition, air shock wave, electric igniter, X-ray recording


This paper presents experimental data on the parameters of an air shock wave resulting from initiation of BC-2 light-sensitive composition by the radiation of a laser diode. The propagation of the air shock wave front was recorded by the background-oriented schlieren method. The air shock wave front was visualized using cross-correlation processing. Empirical dependences characterizing the propagation of the air shock wave front resulting from initiation of a light-sensitive composition of arbitrary mass. Experiments confirmed the possibility of initiating BC-2 light-sensitive composition using an EV-15 electric igniter.