Modeling of Ignition of the Forest Canopy by Thermal Radiation from a Hydrocarbon Explosion
E. Altamirova, V. A. Perminov
Tomsk Polytechnic University, Tomsk, 634050 Russia
Keywords: огненный шар, тепловое излучение, зажигание, лесной горючий материал, лесные пожары, fireball, thermal radiation, ignition, forest fuel, forest fires
A physicomathematical formulation of the problem of ignition of the forest canopy based on the laws of mechanics of reacting media is presented, and the results of numerical calculations of the time and radius of ignition of the forest exposed to a thermal radiation source - a fireball resulting from a hydrocarbon explosion. Forest canopy (set of tree crowns) is considered as a homogeneous two-temperature porous reactive medium. Temperature and concentration changes at the upper boundary of the forest canopy from the beginning of its heating to ignition are described.