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Philosophy of Sciences

2019 year, number 3


Konstantin Gennadievich Frolov
St. Petersburg State Electrotechnical University, 5 Popova st., St. Petersburg, 197376, Russia
Keywords: метафизика, онтология, реализм, факт, существование, metaphysics, ontology, realism, fact, existence


The present text is a response to the article «The Return of Metaphysics As a Fact» recently published by O.E. Stolyarova (Problems of Philosophy, 2017, No. 8). In his wish to look at the nature of philosophical knowledge with the eyes of an analytic philosopher, the author of the present paper intends to formulate some crucial features of the project of analytical metaphysics. Among them, a drive for results, which is understood in a specific way, should be highlighted. With the help of certain examples, the paper discusses what kind of can be these results, by what means can we get them, and what are prospects of applying such methods. Thus, the attempt is made to defend the autonomy and the right to exist of the version of analytical metaphysics which develops with no reliance on a wide historical and philosophical context of the analyzed problems. At the same time, such a context is not denied, but is considered to be a subject of special studies. The author urges his colleagues to tolerate other's basic methodological and worldview principles, since a wide variety of approaches to problems of metaphysics just leads us to better understanding of this versatile subject and is not a threat at all.