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Humanitarian sciences in Siberia

2019 year, number


L.I. Zhurova
Institute of History SB RAS, 8, Nikolaev str., Novosibirsk, 630090, Russian Federation
Keywords: gloss, marginal, autograph, Sobornik of Metropolitan Daniel, Joasaph, Nizhny Novgorod-Paris, Trinity collected works of Maximus the Greek, book culture of Muscovite Rus


Defining the role of glosses in the progression of author’s narrative is one of the significant and complex problems of textological analysis of a medieval work. To put forward approaches to its solution on the example of analysis of the writings of Metropolitan Daniel and Maximus the Greek is the goal of this article. It has been established that in the chapters of Sobornik of Metropolitan Daniel, glosses, as a rule, accompany extracts and quotations from patristic literature which are assembled according to themes and compiled probably at Daniel’s order by the scribes of Joseph-Volokolamsk Monastery who worked in the metropolitan workshop. By their nature, the glosses of Sobornik represent (according to hermeneutic classification) literal interpretations. The early writings of Maximus the Greek (before the year 1525) contain single glosses of a lexicographic character. We find many scholia in Joasaph and Khludov collected works of Maximus the Greek (the end of the 40s - the beginning of the 50s of the 16th century), preserved in the lists with writer’s autographs. This article presents the results of analysis of The Word of Praise to Peter and Paul, which contains the largest number of glosses and marginalia. They allowed us to conclude that the glossing was not a one-act process which took place simultaneously with collected works compilation. The type of marginal notes made by the author and scribes in the margins of manuscripts makes it possible to see how Maximus the Greek edited his own texts which already contained glosses and marginalia. Disclosure of symbolism and figurative narrative, deepening of the meaning of the text, its commentation should be recognized as the main functions of glosses in the text of The Word of Praise to Peter and Paul. Glosses in the writings of Maximus the Greek, unlike the Words of Metropolitan Daniel, are diverse in their purpose. They are a tool which reveals the meaning of the text. They serve as a means of communication of the author (editor) and the reader, providing reception of the work. Glosses often had the character of allegorical and moral interpretations (allegorical and tropological type). The article attempts to identify the signs which distinguish the author’s glosses from scholia compiled by scribes. The numerous glosses observed in the manuscripts of the 16th century reflect the dynamics of development of the book culture of Muscovite Rus’ and level of understanding and perception of the text.