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Advanced Search

Region: Economics and Sociology

2019 year, number 3

A Model-Innovative Aspect in International Economic Regional Studies

1Institute of Economics and Industrial Engineering, Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Novosibirsk , Russia
2Novosibirsk State University, Novosibirsk , Russia
Keywords: региональные исследования, EconLit, библиометрический анализ, модель, моделирование, инновации, модели спирали, территориальные инновационные модели, модели регионального экономического роста, развитие городов, биологические алгоритмы, regional research, EconLit, bibliometric analysis, model, modeling, innovation, helix models, territorial innovation models, models of regional economic growth, city and town development, biological algorithms


The article describes the methodology and presents the results of a bibliometric analysis of regional research from the EconLit electronic bibliography, which simultaneously address issues of modeling and innovation. We give reviews with estimates of publication activity and examples of individual works to the following models: spiral models (Etzkowitz, Leydesdorff etc.), territorial innovation models (basic «building blocks», a move towards better consideration of institutions influence, a trend of shifting to «territorial knowledge dynamics», approbation examples), models of regional economic growth (Sedgley, Batabyal, Nijkamp, Varga, MASST3 and GMR models, etc.) along with city and town development models (shifting from macrostatics to microdynamics, a modification of the Gibrat’s model, etc.) centered around an innovative aspect, regional-innovative biological models and algorithms (based on the fruit fly and an ant colony). The article shows new ways of searching for regional-model innovative publications.