Anatoliy Ivanovich BABENKO1, Evgeniy Gennadyevich SHVEDOV2, Sergey Mukhtarovich BEKMURZOV3, Evgeniy Anatolyevich BABENKO1
1Research Institute for Complex Problems of Hygiene and Occupational Diseases 2Military Registration and Enlistment Office of the Novosibirsk Region 3425 Military Hospital of Minoborony Russia
Keywords: юноши-подростки, медицинское освидетельствование, распространенность патологии, teenage young men, medical examination, prevalence of pathology
Teenagers’ health, the
level and structure of incidence reflect totality of the influence of
the factors and their living conditions, upbringing and training, a way
of life, medical care. The results of medical examination of young men
at initial military registration to a sufficient extent give an idea of
the prevalence of pathology among this contingent and in many respects
characterize the quality of labour and defendable potential. Material
and methods. The results of medical examination of teenagers by the
military physician board of the Novosibirsk Regional Military
Registration and Enlistment Office from 2000 to 2014 with the total
number of the examined subjects 252.2 thousand were used. The dynamic
and comparative analyses of the indices for three time periods along
with the assessment of the prevalence of the diseases by the disease
classes, separate nosological groups and also the distribution of young
men by the medical classification were carried out. Results. It was
established that on average 62.7 % of the examined subjects had this or
that pathology. At the same time, 22.5 % of all the diseases were
revealed for the first time. It was shown that 87.7-88.7 % of all the
pathology accounted for 8 basic classes of diseases. Among the diseases
limiting the medical classification the main ones were mental and
behavioral disorders and also the diseases of the musculoskeletal system
and connective tissue. The temporary unfitness was determined by
endocrine, nutritional and metabolic diseases, and the complete one was
defined by mental disorders, diseases of the nervous system, endocrine
pathology, diseases of the spine and their aftereffects, disorders of
refraction and accommodation of the eyes, visual impairment, bronchial
asthma, mental retardation, flat foot and other foot deformations,
degenerative diseases of the nervous system, which accounted for 63.0 %
of all. Conclusion. The study showed the feasibility of using the
results of the medical examination to assess the health of teenage young
men and the inclusion of these indices in social and hygienic