Equation of State of TATB Based on Static and Dynamic Experiments
M. A. Biryukova1, D. V. Petrov1, A. Yu. Garmashev1, A. K. Muzyrya1, Yu. M. Kovalev2, E. B. Smirnov1,2, L. Kh. Badretdinova3
1Zababakhin Research Institute of Technical Physics, Russian Federal Nuclear Center, Snezhinsk, 456770 Russia 2South Ural State University, Chelyabinsk, 454080 Russia 3Kazan National Research Technological University, Kazan, 420015 Russia
Keywords: уравнение состояния, молекулярный кристалл, триаминотринитробензол, свободная энергия Гельмгольца, изотерма, изобара, подход Дебая, equation of state, molecular crystal, triaminotrinitrobenzene, Helmholtz free energy, isotherm, isobar, Debye approach
An analytical model of the equation of state is developed based on theoretical ideas about the structure of TATB. The model is validated against experimental data obtained in static and dynamic experiments. The theoretically sound equation of state was used to match different experimental data in order to maximize the use of empirical information. It is expected that the application of the obtained equation of state will increase the accuracy of description thermodynamic parameters of unreacted TATB in numerical simulations of shock-wave and detonation processes.