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"Philosophy of Education"

2019 year, number 2


G. A. Kasatova, T. A. Averianova, Y. S. Sedova
Magnitogorsk state technical University named G. I. Nosova, Magnitogorsk, Russia
Keywords: компетентностный подход, профессиональная компетентность бакалавров, художественная обработка камня, практические занятия, педагогические условия, формирование профессиональной компетентности, competence-based approach, professional competence of bachelors, artistic stone processing, practical classes, pedagogical conditions, the formation of professional competence


Introduction. The analysis of existing educational programs and professional characteristics of bachelors, as well as taking into account the requirements for workers in production, allows us to conclude that there are a number of contradictions: between the motives for vocational training and the lack of desire for further self-education; between the quality of vocational training and the requirements for a graduate in production; between the multicomponent structure of professional competence and the insufficiently developed pedagogical technology for the formation of professional competence. The article discusses the pedagogical conditions for the formation of professional competence of university students in practical classes on artistic stone processing. The relevance of the presented research consists in the consideration and presentation of the pedagogical conditions for the formation of professional competence in practical classes on artistic stone processing. Methodology and methods of the research. Analysis of research in the field of professional competence formation showed all the versatility and ambiguity of this concept, many scientists studied the essential characteristics of the concept professional competence, its content, structure, etc. The methodological basis of the study is a competence-based approach, which considers professional competence as a significant characteristic of a university graduate; activity approach focuses on the formation of professional competence in the activities; personality-oriented approach, considers the student as a subject of educational activity. The theoretical foundations of the study are the works: clarifying the essence of the concept of «professional competence»; considering the essence of creative activity; studying the essence of the pedagogical process as a subject-subject interaction, as the integrity of the social and professional development of the student’s personality. The method of analyzing the results of the process of forming the professional competence of students included test tasks, survey, observation, and expert evaluation of the results of creative activity. The results of the research. The study was based on the following hypothesis: the formation of the professional competence of university students will be productive if the pedagogical conditions are justified, developed and implemented in unity: the activation of the motivational and value attitude to professional activity through the expansion of the content of practical tasks; involvement of students in professional and creative activities; reflection of creative activity of students. Conclusion. The process of studying the level of formation of professional competence among bachelors takes place in the evaluation of motivational and value, cognitive, activity and reflexive and evaluative components. At the same time, professional development of a person takes place with the formation of professional competences, which are an organic part of professional competence, which presupposes the readiness of the individual to perform professional activities in its various forms.