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Numerical Analysis and Applications

2019 year, number 2

Automated identification system of conditions for homogeneous and heterogeneous reactions in multipurpose optimization problems

K.F. Koledina1,2, S.N. Koledin2, I.M. Gubaydullin1,2
1Institute of petrochemistry and catalysis RSA, Ufa, Russian Federation, 450075
2Ufa State Technological Petroleum University, Ufa, Russian Federation, 450062
Keywords: автоматизированная система идентификации условий проведения гомогенных и гетерогенных реакций, кинетическая модель, многоцелевая оптимизация, островная модель распараллеливания, декомпозиция автоматизированной системы, automated system for identification conditions for carrying out homogeneous and heterogeneous reactions, kinetic model, multipurpose optimization, island model of parallelization, decomposition of automated system


An automated system for identifying the conditions of homogeneous and heterogeneous reactions includes mathematical modeling of a chemical reaction, determination of optimization criteria conditions for variable parameters, setting and multipurpose optimization problem solution and an optimal control problem, development of efficient algorithms for a computing experiment. Modeling and optimization of a homogeneous and heterogeneous catalytic reactions are carried out. Optimal conditions for carrying out reactions to achieve the specified criteria are determined.