Open Pit Mining Technologies for Watered Lignite Deposits in the Kansk-Achinsk Basin
A. V. Reznik, V. I. Cheskidov
Chinakal Institute of Mining, Siberian Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences, Novosibirsk, 630091 Russia
Keywords: Обводненные буроугольные месторождения, карьерные воды, технологический водоем, вскрышные породы, гидромеханизация, выработанное пространство, гидроотвал, Watered lignite deposits, open pit mine water, process water reservoir, overburden, hydromechanization, mined-out area, hydraulic fill
The resource-saving technology is proposed for mining watered lignite deposits in the Kansk-Achinsk basin without drying of productive strata. The expediency of accumulation of all water inflows in mined-out area of the open-pit mine for the subsequent use in the closed production cycle is substantiated. Effectiveness of hydromechanization in selective stripping of incompetent overburden rocks with solid inclusions is determined. Parameters of a hydraulic fill placed in the mined-out area of the open pit are presented.