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The journal "Ateroskleroz"

2018 year, number 4


E.V. Voronina, A.N. Ryabikov, N.V. Yasyukevich, V.P. Guseva, S.K. Malyutina
Institute of Internal and Preventive Medicine - Branch of Federal Research Institute of Cytology and Genetics of SB RAS, 630089, Novosibirsk, Boris Bogatkov str., 175/1
Keywords: алкоголь, высокие разовые дозы алкоголя, эхокардиография, левый желудочек, левое предсердие, систолическая функция, диастолическая функция, деформация миокарда, кардиомиопатия, популяция, сердечно-сосудистые заболевания, alcohol, binge drinking, echocardiography, left ventricle, left atrium, myocardium hypertrophy, systolic function, diastolic function, strain, cardiomyopathy, population, cardiovascular disease


Objectives. The alterations of structure and function of the heart are intermediate phenotypes in the pathway of cardiovascular diseases. The relationship between alcohol consumption and echocardiographic parameters is understudied with inconsistent estimates. We aimed to perform a systematic literature review of studies which assessed the associations between alcohol consumption and Echocardiography parameters. Material and methods. This review analyzes the literature data focused on this topic published during the last 17 years (2001-2017) using PubMed (, Google Scholar ( and main national cardiological journals. Results. The literature review showed that high alcohol consumption is associated with increased myocardial mass of left ventricle (LV) or an increase in the thickness of LV walls;decreased diastolic function and systolic strain of LV,increase in dimension of left atrium and decreased function of left atrium. The relationship between a number of echocardiographic characteristics (LV ejection fraction, the parameters of right ventricle) and alcohol consumption are estimated contradictory. In exited literature there is a shortage of long-term studies on the issue. The integrative assessment of relationship between variety of indicators and patterns of alcohol consumption and structural and functional heart phenotypes is required, as well as application of modern echocardiographic modalities. Taking into account the population specificity, the studies based on different epidemiological context of various populations are needed. Conclusion.The analysis of structural and functional changes of the heart in respect to alcohol consumption remains relevant for understanding the mechanisms by which alcohol effects on the cardiovascular system.