Procurement of Innovative Products in the System of Innovation and Investment Policy of a State
K. A. Belokrylov
Southern Federal University, Rostov-on-Don
Keywords: инвестиционный климат, новая индустриализация, 4-я промышленная революция, инновационные кластеры, закупочная политика, инновационная продукция, критерии инновационности, спрос на инновации, Координационный совет, Investment climate, new industrialization, fourth industrial revolution, innovation clusters, purchasing policy, innovative products, criteria for innovativeness, demand for innovation, Coordination Council
Based on existing studies of the world practice of implementing the innovation and investment policy, the author determines the model of this policy in Russia neoclassical, based on direct redistribution of resources. Some aspects of the implementation of this model are shown on the example of the Rostov region. The analysis of the dynamics of the average annual output per employee in large and medium-sized organizations in six innovative clusters of the region has been carried out, and the main factors affecting the dynamics of indicators of innovation activity in the region have been identified. Procurement of innovative products for state, municipal, and corporate (regulated public sector organizations) needs has been identified as the most important tool of innovation and investment policy. Contradictions and persistent problem areas of the procurement of innovative products are highlighted based on the audit of the effects of the formation of a single contractual system. Priority directions for stimulating the demand for innovation from public sector organizations have been proposed.