Identifying Factors that Affect Success of Initial Coin Offering (ICO)
A.A. Ivlieva
NRU Higher School of Economics, Saint-Petersburg
Keywords: ICO, первичное размещение токенов, методы финансирования, криптовалюты, ICO, Initial Coin Offering, Successful projects, Financing methods, Cryptocurrencies
ThisarticlereferstothesuccessfactorsofICOprojects which were identified using econometric modeling. The project success criteria are required receiving funding and the stock publishing. It is revealed that the success of projects is in direct proportion to the product’s state of readiness, the presence of a legal entity, the price of the token, the total issue and the average number of pages in social networks. On the other hand the availability of the product-application, the introduction of country restrictions for the participants, the indication of the planned budget, the presence of a minimum financial goal and the possibility of exchanging tokens for Fiat have a negative impact on the success of the project.