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Philosophy of Sciences

2018 year, number 4


Aleksandr Anatolyevich Shevchenko
Institute of Philosophy and Law, Siberian Branch of the Russian Akademy of Sciences, 8, Nikolaev st., Novosibirsk, 630090, Russia
Keywords: рациональность, нормативность, эпистемология, мнение, знание, истина, обоснование, В«эпистемология добродетелейВ», rationality, normativity, epistemology, belief, knowledge, truth, justification, В«virtue epistemologyВ»


The paper analyses and contrasts instrumental and epistemic rationality, with the main focus on the content of the notions of epistemic rationality and epistemic normativity and their correlation. It shows the differences between the requirements of normativity and rationality in the process of epistemic justification. The author lists the factors, which contributed to the development of «virtue epistemology», namely the difficulties of dealing with the «Gettier problem» and internal problems with the classical definition of knowledge.