Vasiliy Pavlovich Goran
Institute of Philosophy and Law, Siberian Branch of the Russian Akademy of Sciences, 8, Nikolaev st., Novosibirsk, 630090, Russia
Keywords: Бруно, Ванини, Спиноза, рационализм, пантеизм, материализм, наука Нового времени, субстанция, материя, бог, Вселенная, бесконечность, Bruno, Vanini, Spinoza, rationalism, pantheism, materialism, modern science, substance, matter, god, universe, infinity
By comparing the content of the pantheistic concepts of J. Bruno, L. Vanini and B. Spinoza, the direction of the movement of the philosophical thought of the adherents of pantheism to materialism from the end of the Renaissance to the beginning of the New Age is revealed. Particular attention is paid to the rationalistic nature of the pantheism of these thinkers. The conceptual foundation of this philosophical direction was laid at the end of the Renaissance by J. Bruno, which is clearly confirmed by the presence of a number of fundamental philosophical statements, not only meaningfully relevant to those which will later elaborate and substantiate B. Spinoza, but often directly coincide with these latter. The components of the positions of J. Bruno and B. Spinoza are also considered, which not only do not coincide, but radically diverge. Attention is paid to the intellectual honesty of L. Vanini, who openly proclaimed his adherence to atheism immediately before his burning at the inquisition fire. B. Spinoza as a thinker, most thoroughly and in detail developed a pantheistic world view, revealed incompatibility of the pantheistic and materialistic components of his philosophical position.