Yu.I. Ragino, E.M. Stakhneva
Institute of Internal and Preventive Medicine - Branch of Federal Research Institute of Cytology and genetics of SB RAS, 630089, Novosibirsk, Boris Bogatkov str., 175/1
Keywords: протеомика, атеросклероз, биомаркеры, масс-спектрометрия, proteomics, atherosclerosis, biomarkers, mass spectrometry
The review is devoted to the analysis of literature data related to the role of proteomic technologies in the study of atherosclerotic cardiovascular diseases. The results of research on the search for new proteomic potential biomarkers of coronary atherosclerosis, coronaryc heart disease, acute coronary syndrome, myocardial infarction, carotid atherosclerosis, and proteomic markers of unstable atherosclerotic plaque are presented. It is discussed that proteomic analysis is a promising developing field of research.