Modification of properties of aluminum protective anodes by nanopowder materials
N.M. Bozhanova1, I.T. Panov2, V.K. Manolov1, A.N. Cherepanov3, and R.L. Lazarova1
1Institute of Metal Science, Equipment and Technologies, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Sofia, Bulgaria
2Affiliation of Sofia Technical University, Plovdiv, Bulgaria
3Khristianovich Institute of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia
Keywords: corrosion, protective anode, negative potential, electrochemical protection, aluminum alloy, nano-modification
Pages: 759–764
study was performed on the influence of nanosized refractory nanopowders on the
structure and electrochemical characteristics of aluminum alloy AlZn4 used as
protective anode. It was found that modification of alloy AlZn4 with nanopowder
of aluminum nitride or diamond induces refining of alloy structure by the
factor of 1.5, increases the anode strength and its protective negative
potential. Those factors have practical value for higher efficiency of
protection from corrosion in water-contacting vessels.
DOI: 10.1134/S0869864318050128