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"Philosophy of Education"

2018 year, number 3


M. P. Barbolin
Smolny Institute of the Russian Academy of Education, Russia, 195197, Sankt-Petersberg, Polistrovskii prospect, 59
Keywords: образование, наука, производство, взаимодействие, человек, общество, фундаментальные законы, онтоантропосоциогенез, нравственность, воспитание, обучение, развитие, кластер, цифровые технологии, виртуальные жизненные пространства, качество образования, education, science, production, interaction, human being, society, fundamental laws, onto-anthropo-socio-genesis, morality, upbringing, training, development, cluster, digital technologies, virtual living spaces, quality of education


Introduction. On the basis of generalization and concretization of the fundamental laws of philosophy and natural science, fundamental laws of methodology are formulated, on the basis of which structural and functional foundations are revealed within interdepartmental interaction, consolidation of the resources of state and business, science, education and production in the process of education development. Methodology and methods of the research. As the fundamental methodological laws, we use the law of onto-anthropo-socio-genesis, the laws of the genetic development of life (genetic conditioning, the overturning of genetic potential, the advanced reproduction of genetic potential), laws of the harmonious organization of life (essence, energy, measure, harmony, size, information, phenomenon). Results of the research. With the purpose of systemic implementation of laws, a generalized law-principle of genetically conditioned spiral-spindle-fractal harmony is formulated. On the basis of the laws, a model of a single living space of moral education, intellectual and professional development is built, taking into account a single developing material base and information and communication infrastructure in the common logic of the law of onto-anthropo-socio-genesis of human being. The cluster approach is proposed as the organizational basis for the consolidation of public and private resources. The model of interaction is based on the content core of moral intellectual and creative activity. As the information and technological basis for the integration of scientific, educational and production resources within the framework of a single integrity, it is proposed to use digital technologies that allow creating virtual «cluster-like» living spaces. In order to increase the value motivation and system organization of the educational process, it is proposed to orient all its components to the final result. In this case, step diagnostics is proposed in accordance with the level typology of competencies. Conclusion. In accordance with the goal of the study, a methodological model of the formation of innovative human behavior in the context of interaction between education, state and business was developed. Theoretically, on the basis of methodological laws, a conceptual model of the formation of moral intellectual-creative human capital was developed that reveals in its integral unity the essential, intellectual and creative potential of a person that allows to implement the metasystem approach to the design of the content and technology of the educational process, and in the future to build a qualitatively new methodical system in the context of interaction between education, state and business using digital technologies.