The simple fundamental equation of state for liquid, gas, and fluid of xenon
A.B. Kaplun, A.B. Meshalkin, and O.S.В Dutova
Kutateladze Institute of Thermophysics SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia
Keywords: fundamental equation, compressibility factor, temperature, pressure, density, enthal-py, heat capa¬city, speed of sound
Pages: 565–574
To describe the thermodynamic properties of xenon, a new fundamental low-parametric equation of state (in the form of reduced Helmholtz energy) is obtained with the help of the methods and approaches developed by the authors. It allows us to describe the thermal properties of gas, liquid, and fluid with a sufficiently high accuracy close to the accuracy of experiment in a range from the density in the ideal gas state to the density at the triple point, excluding the critical region. The caloric properties and speed of xenon sound are calculated without involving any caloric data, with the exception of ideal gas enthalpy. The values of isobaric heat capacity, sound speed, and other thermodynamic properties obtained by calculations are in good agreement with the experimental data.