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Thermophysics and Aeromechanics

2018 year, number 4

Numerical investigation of the two-dimensional natural convection inside the system based on phase change material with a source of volumetric heat generation

N.S. Bondareva and M.A. Sheremeta

Tomsk State University, Tomsk, Russia

E-mail: Michael-sher@yandex.rua

Keywords: melting, natural convection, thermal conductivity, paraffin, energy source with a con-stant heat generation, laminar regime, numerical modeling
Pages: 525–537


The work is devoted to the numerical investigation of unsteady regimes of the paraffin convective melting inside a closed rectangular region heated from the energy source with a constant density of the volumetric heat generation. The problem has been formulated in dimensionless transformed variables “stream function-vorticity-tem­perature” and solved by using a finite difference method. The main characteristics of the melting process and heat transfer in a liquid medium have been obtained and analyzed at different powers of the energy source (from 5 to 100 Watt). The influence of heat transfer from the source on the temperature distributions inside the region containing paraffin has been analyzed.