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Humanitarian sciences in Siberia

2018 year, number


Yu. M. Goncharov1, O. G. Klimova2
1Altay State University, 61 Lenin str., Barnaul, 656049, Russian Federation
2Altay State Technical University, 46 Lenin str., Barnaul, 656038, Russian Federation
Keywords: history, Siberia, historiography, XIX century, personalities, biographies, entrepreneurship, merchants, scientific school


Studying the entrepreneurship as a research area in the national historiography has long been devoted to studying the bourgeoisie, and started to develop as a history of entrepreneurship and merchants only in the recent decades. The revision of the theoretical and methodological foundations of the historical studies of entrepreneurship enabled historians to begin studying new interesting research directions. The paper objective is to examine scientific heritage of Dmitry Yakovlevich Rezun, Doctor of Historical Sciences, the famous scientist and organizer of studying the entrepreneurship history in prerevolutionary Siberia. The article presents a historiographical analysis of scientific works of D. Ya. Rezun, as well as contemporary Russian authors’ papers devoted to his life and activity. D. Ya. Rezun went all the way from the senior laboratory assistant to the head of the Department of History of the late XVI - early XIX centuries at the Institute of History of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences. He contributed a lot to studying and organizing the research of the Siberian entrepreneurship history in pre-revolutionary Siberia. It is possible to state the scholar’s numerous publications, genre variety of his works huge extension of source base, new methodological approaches. D. Ya. Rezun organized publication of such unique works on the entrepreneurship history in pre-revolutionary Siberia as “The brief encyclopedia on the history of Siberian merchants and commerce”, “The encyclopedic dictionary on the history of Siberian merchants and commerce”. The historian published more than a thousand scientific works including more than twenty monographs. No doubt that D. Ya. Rezun did a lot to develop historical science in Siberia and Russia, played a significant role in editing collected works, preparing conferences on the history of pre-revolutionary Siberia.