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Chemistry for Sustainable Development

2018 year, number 4

Effect of Ozonation on the Component Composition and Floatation Characteristics of Kerosene

1Institute of Coal, Federal Research Centre of Coal and Coal Chemistry, SB RAS, Kemerovo, Russia
2Gorbachev Kuzbass State Technical University, Kemerovo, Russia
Keywords: керосин, озонирование, кислородсодержащие группы, флотация, уголь, kerosene, ozonation, oxygen-containing groups, floatation, coal
Pages: 423-428


Oil refining products are traditionally used as reagents for floatation coal cleaning. To enhance floatation efficiency, oxidative modification of nonpolar hydrocarbon reagents is used. In the present work ozone is considered as the oxidative reagent, and kerosene fraction is the nonpolar agent. The effect of ozonation on the component composition and technological characteristics of kerosene was studied. It is shown that ozonolysis of kerosene results in a decrease in the relative content of aliphatic СН2-bonds in the -position to the aromatic core, and the fraction of methyl, methoxyl, alkyl ether and alicyclic structures increases; the fraction of polycyclic arenes decreases, while the fraction of monocyclic arenes increases; the content of aliphatic carboxylic acids, linear and cyclic ethers and esters, lactones and anhydrides increases. Due to an increase in the fraction of heteropolar oxygenated compounds in ozonated kerosene, it may serve as the basis for obtaining floatation reagent with the integrated properties of foam-former and collector, which promotes an increase in the efficiency of floatation of coal sludge.

DOI: 10.15372/CSD20180411