L.G. Nikityuk, O.G. Timchuk
Irkutsk National Research Technical University, Lermontov st., 83, Irkutsk, Irkutsk region., 664074
Keywords: инновационная деятельность, инвестиции, промышленные предприятия, конкурентоспособность, взаимодействие предприятий, потенциал предприятия, innovative activity, investment, industrial enterprises, competitiveness, interaction of enterprises, potential of enterprise
Currently Russian industrial enterprises operate in the conditions of global competition at the world market. That’s why creating conditions and implementing a number of activities aimed at stimulation of progressive structural changes in production, meeting the world standards, is a key direction of the policy regarding industrial enterprises. According to the authors, achievement of the objective is possible via activation of innovating activity at enterprises, including industrial ones. The goal of the scientific article is the development and justification of the efficiency of the mechanism of stimulation of innovative activity of the industrial enterprises. Innovative and investment processes of the industrial enterprises are the target of the research. A complex approach to the study of business events in the field of innovative activity of the industrial enterprises is the methodological basis of the scientific article. Scientific novelty of the research lies in theoretical justification and development of the methodological approaches to the formation of innovating activity of the industrial enterprises in the modern period. The authors developed the mechanism of stimulation of innovative activity of the industrial enterprises, facilitating activation and development of innovations. The forms of interaction of the enterprises were revealed; they increase the efficiency of the structure of management of innovative activity. A matrix was developed, making it possible to evaluate the practicality and efficiency of the interaction of the social forms of organizations on the basis of positive and negative factors. Thus, the efficiency of the developed mechanism of stimulation of innovative activity of the industrial enterprises, capable of multiplying their innovative potential and redefining the innovatively active industrial enterprises, was justified and proved.