O.V. Besschetnova
Saratov State University, Karla Marksa street, 29, Balashov, Saratov region., 412309
Keywords: семья, дети, родители, восстановление родительских прав, служба социального сопровождения, family, children, parents, the restoration of parental rights, the service of social support
The article reveals the features of the restoration of parental rights on the basis of the current Russian legislation. The results of the expert survey conducted on the territory of Belgorod, Saratov regions and the Trans-Baikal Territory in 2018. The study was funded with the financial support of Russian Foundation for Humanities in the framework of the research project «Life trajectories of children and their biological parents, who restored their parental rights» № 16-03-00057. The main purpose of the article is to study the mechanism of restoring of parental rights, its positive and negative sides. The ambiguous attitude of experts towards the process of restoring of parental rights, high risk of recurrence of «secondary» social orphanhood in restored blood families is revealed; the need to introduce new technologies for social work with families in a socially dangerous situation and a difficult life situation are discussed.