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"Philosophy of Education"

2018 year, number 2


V. N. Goptarev
N. G. Zhiganov Kazan State Conservatory, 420015, Russia, Kazan, st. B. Krasnaia, 38
Keywords: эмерджентность, эмерджент, теория, психология, педагогика, исследование, научный подход, emergence, emergent, psychology, pedagogic, study, the scientific approach


Introduction. In this article the author refers to the idea of emergence, which since the 19th century was in sight of a number of foreign researchers (G. Lewis, S. Alexander, C.L. Morgan, etc.) and subsequently realized in scientific theory, certain provisions of which still find conflicting interpretations among researchers. In the introduction are justified the purpose of the article and relevance appeals to the phenomenon and theory of emergence, the study of which has not found a common understanding among researchers, presenting considerable scientific interest. Methodology and methods of research served as the ideas and theoretical positions - first and foremost - foreign researchers of the phenomenon of as well as philosophical and methodological paradigm and provisions inherent in the modern domestic philosophical and psycho-pedagogical science. They identified a number of empirical and theoretical research methods, of which the most important are comparative, comparative-historical, hermeneutic and analytical. Since this theory have relevance for psycho-pedagogical researches, the explication of the problem its provisions, identify its potential and capabilities that could be used for research in psycho-pedagogical sphere and in pedagogical practice, has gained special relevance. An important place in the work takes the consideration of emergence as a scientific phenomenon. In modern scientific literature we can find quite a lot of definitions, points of view and theoretical constructs that reflect different approaches to its understanding and interpretation. In this matter the author generally adheres to the beliefs, inherent to the founders of this theory. According to the author, under the term emergence should be understood property of reality to emergence outward in different States, types and forms. A special place when studying the emergence as the phenomenon took recourse to the issue of the content and structure of the emergents. In this context, it seems very appropriate recourse to categories such as emergent, resultant, emergent`s complex, levels of explanation as well as to identify features of mutual match of emergent and resultants, to determining the grounds and approaches to formation of emergents. In the process of reviewing the problems associated with the formation of emergence, the author appealed to the American researcher k. Bailey, using morphological approach to the formation of emergent matrices, labeling the inference problem the structure and content of the emergents. The author completely endorses the conclusions of Ritchey T. on incorrectness applied k. Bailey binary approach as well as the idea of as factors (parameters in k. Bailey) which take place in create of emergent signs (Alexander and others), under whom he had in mind a number of emergent`s properties and qualities. Based on the findings of L. Morgan and S. Alexander, the author believes that the essence and composition of the emergents can exist not only at the levels of matter, life, spirit, but also in the spheres of human existence, including psycho-pedagogical. The author believes that the main factors that influence on the formation of emergents of pedagogic-psychological field are tangible, non-individual (objective and subjective), social and individually-mental. In the emergents of the psychic sphere in addition to special entities - the impact of the above four factors - may also manifest inherent properties and quality. Result of research was to refine certain aspects and provisions of the notional fields of the emergence`s theory, revealing features of formation of emergents that may be relevant to the study of phenomena psycho-pedagogical sphere. Conclusion. The results of a study of the phenomenon of emergence, theoretical positions and the problems are directly related to the identification and formation of the composition and content of the emergents of psycho-pedagogical sphere can be used when examining the peculiar to it phenomena and processes, related both individuals and social groups, implementing learning processes, education and personal development, as well as serve as justifications for other - emergent`s - scientific approach. The research results can be used in studying the phenomena of psycho-pedagogical sphere in the estimation procedures and the formation of individual and social qualities and properties.