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"Philosophy of Education"

2018 year, number 2


M. E. Vorobyov
Novosibirsk College of Olympic Reserve, 630087, Russia, Novosibirsk, st. Nemirovitha-Danthenko, 140
Keywords: футбол, имидж футбольного арбитра, физическая подготовка судей, обучение молодых судей, система ценностей в футболе, football, image of a football referee, physical training of referees, training of young referees, value system in football


Introduction. Football is a powerful and effective tool in the hands of state structures to create moral standards among the population for humanity, a healthy lifestyle, respect and solidarity. However, in recen times, there has been a decline in the interest of the people in this sport, which is connected with many factors, which people more reflect upon than they try to solve them. Methodology and methods of research. An important element for maintaining the football system in the future is the training of qualified referees. The construction of the training process, when training of young referees in specialized centers and schools for their preparation in many regions of the Russian Federation, is directed to a greater extent to mastering the theoretical section and the fundamentals of the judging methodology of the competitions, without emphasis on values relating to the formation of the personality of a successful football referee. Also of great importance is the fact that the students of the centers and schools do not receive adequate information on the regularities of building sports training. This approach in the conditions of modern information flow is not capable of qualitatively solving the tasks of initial training of referees. Result of research. Theoretical and empirical analysis of the football referee image formation in educational institutions indicates the methodological insufficiency of educational technologies. Judges of high qualification clearly realize that without such factors as intelligence, stress resistance and communication skills, the formation of a successful judge's personality is not possible. The author suggests that the root of the problem lies in the lack of basic knowledge not only about the sports training of young judges, but also about the presence of communication skills, the ability to demonstrate high ethical behavior. Accordingly, the most important task of the teachers of the specialized centres for the training of judges is to transfer this information to the students at the initial stage of training. Conclusion. The system of values in football is based on the formation of a powerful positive image of the football referee among the population; on the universal sports moral standards built into the educational process at the stage of initial training; on the development of the axiological methodological apparatus of the sports referee.