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Thermophysics and Aeromechanics

2018 year, number 3

Numerical investigation of thermal protection of hypersonic flying vehicles


     V.I. Zinchenko, V.D. Gol’din, and V.G. Zverev


Tomsk State University, Tomsk, Russia


Keywords: hypersonic velocity, aerodynamic heating, thermal protection, boundary layer, thermal protection system, thermochemical destruction, conjugated heat and mass transfer
Pages: 359–366


The problem of spatial flow around a hypersonic flying vehicle is considered for trajectories with different attack angles for flight through air with chemical equilibrium. The conjugate problem statement gives solutions for gas state in the boundary layer, thermal regime of streamlined body (made of different composites), and the rate of mass loss for heat protecting material. Physical processes in the condensed phase of carbon-containing coatings have complex nature: processes of heating, pyrolysis, heterogeneous oxidation, and sublimation. These processes result in protective material destruction. It was shown that using different materials for passive protection can be beneficial in reduction of the surface temperature, characteristics of thermochemical degradation, and this allows a control over heat and mass transfer for a flying body.