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ECO journal (ECOnomics and industrial Engineering)

2018 year, number 6

Evaluation of the Effectiveness of the Policies and Promising Areas of Investment Development in the Municipalities of the North and the Arctic

E. E. Emelianova
G. P. Luzin Institute for Economic Studies, Apatity
Keywords: регионы Севера и Арктики, муниципальная политика, инвестиционный климат, органы власти, оценка эффективности, муниципальные образования, Мурманская область, The Northern regions and the Arctic, municipal policy, investment climate, government, performance evaluation, municipality, Murmansk region


The article is devoted to the problem of evaluation of efficiency of municipal investment policies and perspectives of investment development of the municipalities in the North and the Arctic. Objectives of the study included issues of budget security and investment opportunities of municipalities in crisis, as well as assessment of effectiveness of measures undertaken by state and municipal authorities in creating an enabling investment environment. It is concluded that the growth of investments and the intensification of investment activities on the territory of the municipality largely depends on the commitment of the Federal and regional authorities, as well as the position of core enterprises, so the main prospects for development and investment in the Northern regions are connected, primarily, with the stable operation of oil-and-gas and single-industry settlements.