Lower Angara Region as a Link between the North and South of Siberia
V. Yu. Malov, O. V. Tarasova, V. D. Ionova
Institute of Economics and Industrial Engineering SB RAS
Keywords: Нижнее Приангарье, территориально-производственный комплекс, стратегия развития, история освоения, согласование интересов, Lower Angara, territorial production complex, development strategy, history of development, coordination of interests
The article presents the results of the analysis of the implementation of projects of the Lower Angara region, the idea of the development of which has been discussed since 1935.it is Revealed that the difficulties in the implementation of many recent decades are associated with the orientation to market criteria for the effectiveness of many projects, the lack of economic approach to the evaluation of infrastructure projects. It is shown that the value of competitiveness of the resources of this region in the absence of modern transport communications is greatly exaggerated. The authors suggest that the emphasis in the new strategy of development of such territories is not on finding competitive advantages with other regions, but on their interaction, complementarity with the mandatory integration of their projects into the long-term development strategy of the whole country. Unfortunately, today more attention is paid to the commercial interests of companies - investors, but not to the interests of the country.