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ECO journal (ECOnomics and industrial Engineering)

2018 year, number 6

We Need to Update the Mechanisms of State Regional Policy

E. B. Buharova
Siberian Federal University, Krasnoyarsk
Keywords: Сибирь, пространственное развитие, территориально-производственный комплекс, ТПК, Нижнее Приангарье, комплексное развитие территории, Siberia, spatial development, territorial-production complex, TPK, Lower Angara, integrated development of the territory


Issues of state policy in the sphere of spatial development are raised in an interview with Eugenia Buharova, Siberian Federal University. Professor Buharova is engaged for a long time in a study of spatial development and regional security. She discuss the advantages and disadvantages of Soviet-administrative and market-oriented approaches to the development of territories, examines the prospects of the project for the creation of the macro-region «Yenisei Siberia» comments on the new strategy of spatial development of Russia.