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ECO journal (ECOnomics and industrial Engineering)

2018 year, number 6

В«Yenisei Siberia» - the First Macroregion of Russia

E. Sh. Veselova
ECO journal
Keywords: макрорегион, пространственное развитие, инвестиции, межрегиональное сотрудничество, Сибирь, Красноярский край, Тыва, Хакасия, Macroregion, spatial development, investments, interregional cooperation, Siberia, Krasnoyarsk region, Tuva, Khakassia


The article highlights the project of creation of the macro-region “Yenisei Siberia”, which was presented at the Krasnoyarsk economic forum of 2018. The leaders of the Krasnoyarsk region, the republics of Tuva and Khakassia have initiated the coordinated development of infrastructure and joint promotion of large investment projects of interregional character. The author briefly introduces the three regions-participants, presents investment projects included in the pool of “Yenisei Siberia”, suggests that a strategic hierarchy of the investment program would be useful, cites the opinion of experts-participants of the KEF on the macroregion’s prospects.