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Chemistry for Sustainable Development

2018 year, number 1

Siloxane Rubber Nanocomposites with Increased Thermal and Fire Resistance and Protective Rubberized Materials Based Thereon

1Kazan National Research Technological University, Kazan, Russia
2Kazan Chemical Scientific and Research Institute, Kazan, Russia
Keywords: нанокомпозиты, силоксановые резины, огнестойкость, защитные прорезиненные материалы, nanocomposites, siloxane rubbers, fire resistance, protective rubberized materials


Research into the development of siloxane rubbers with increased thermal and fire resistance was carried out. Rubber nanocomposites based on SKTB-1 siloxane rubber that were filled with aluminium trihydrate were obtained using domestic and foreign manufacture organobentonites. It was found that the introduction of organobentonites into siloxane rubbers filled with Al(OH)3 contributed to an increase in their thermal and fire resistance. Fire-resistant and heat-protective materials, and also preparation technology of tissues by glue spreading using IBO 3320 and Siltex spreading machines were developed according to the results of experiments using glass, silica, and aramid fabrics as a reinforcing frame. Tests of the resulting materials were carried out and areas of application of protective clothing based thereon were proposed.

DOI: 10.15372/CSD20180113