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Region: Economics and Sociology

2018 year, number 1

Dynamic Evaluation of the Efficiency of Monotown’s Economic Diversification (Case Study of Kemerovo Oblast)

1Institute of Humanities, Social Sciences & Technologies, 30, Lenin av., Tomsk, 634050, Russia
2Institute of Economics and Management, 36, Lenin av., Tomsk, 634050, Russia, 36
Keywords: моногород, эффективность диверсификации, динамическая оценка, модель, Кемеровская область, monotown, diversification efficiency, dynamic assessment, model, Kemerovo Oblast
Subsection: Issues of Local Government and Municipal Development


The article studies complex investment plans to modernize monotowns in Kemerovo Oblast and analyzes financing of pilot diversification projects. We develop a toolkit for analyzing and assessing the efficiency of monotowns’ diversification. Using 21 municipal formations in the region as an example, we discover a correlation between diversification indices. The article plots a matrix of diversification efficiency upon which the municipal formations are grouped. We design an autoregressive efficiency model with evidence from Berezovsky monotown.